'Everyday items from nature'

Belfu Berkol
Hello there!
I'm Belfu Berkol.
I was born in 2006. I graduated from Sev Primary and Secondary School. I am a sophomore student at Saint - Joseph French High School. Throughout my education life, I took part in various clubs such as photography, Spanish, sculpture, drama, Japanese, DL (Destination Imagination), JMUN, (Junior Model United Nations). I was the head of the school in the 8th grade. I took part in the IGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) club and the team's lab team in high school. I am the first Turkish and youngest member of WISTEM (Women in STEM), one of the after IGEM initiatives.
Besides my school I am interested in theatre, tennis and volleyball. I speak English, French and Spanish. I am the founder of ''Student Volunteering Movement '' called Ä°htiyaç Kutum. In the 7th grade, Prof. I was only member of a newly opened club called Sev. I developed a bioplastic in this club
This adventure, which started as just a project back then, was actally the first steps of bioDIF.
A biodegradable, environmental, plant-derived, non-toxic plastic from pumpkin shells.
Green concrete is an eco-friendly alternative to permeable concrete, in which pumpkin seeds covered with bioplastic are placed.
BLOB, is a training experiment run by France's space agency CNES. BLOB is neither plant, animal, not fungus. Consisting of a single cell and without a brain, this creature can still move, feed, organize itself, and even transmit information to like-minded slimy molds.